
Equip Book Series

The Equip series is a book series created for students having a difficult time seeing the importance and value in a high school education. It serves to encourage and empower struggling students to seek the potential they have for their own future, and push them to value and receive a high school diploma. Even when life is hard and seems full of dead ends, there is importance in learning life skills and having the power of a well-educated mind. This series seeks to build up high school students to pursue their dreams even through life’s challenges.

Equip Book Series

The Equip series is a four-volume Barnes and Noble Classic series created for students having a difficult time seeing the importance and value in a high school education. It serves to encourage and empower struggling students to seek their potential and understand the value of getting a high school diploma. Even when life is hard and seems full of dead ends, there is much importance in learning life skills and having the power of a well- educated mind. This series seeks to build up high school students to pursue their dreams even through life’s challenges. 
